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Playlisty Devlog: Mid-Week 2 Update | Functional Progress


This is a continuation of the previous devlog on Project Playlisty, which I am currently working on. If you haven’t read it yet or need a refresher on what this project is about, you can check out the previous post: Project Playlisty Devlog: Week 1 Update.

In the last 3 days, I made some considerable progress on the project. In order, they are:

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Playlist selection drop-down menu is working

I used <select> & <option> elements to implement the drop-down. The app fetches all of the user’s playlists and populates the drop-down entries using useEffect, which runs only once when the user logs in. The fetched playlists and the currently selected playlist state are managed by the parent component. These two states will be used by the other components for their functionality.

Tracks component displays the tracks of the active playlist

Found a bug in the Spotify’s TS SDK with makeRequest that was giving a 404: service not found response when I requested the next page of tracks. So I ended up using a manual function using fetch instead. Perhaps I will raise an issue on GitHub later.

The following tasks have been moved to waiting because I want to have an MVP functional before polishing:

Also right now, the user’s liked songs playlist (user’s library) is not available in the drop-down because the API endpoint for fetching all playlists apparently doesn’t include that one. So, I need to use a different endpoint. I will do that later as well.

App so far: |500

Current Roadblock: No API endpoint to check a track in a given playlist

Today (2024 March 28), I discovered that there is no API endpoint to check if a song is in a given playlist! Anticlimactic, and I was hoping the project would almost be done by today. Without having such an endpoint, the filtering part of the Is-In and Not-Is-In component needs considerable rethinking…

Right now, one approach would be to fetch all tracks from each playlist and compare, but the fact that I can only fetch a maximum of 100 items per request from a single playlist makes it a bit complicated. For a lengthy playlist, I will need to make many requests to check the presence of a song, and I have to do this for each playlist. Too slow, too many requests. I wonder if this will trigger a rate limit from Spotify’s side.

Or maybe I could make a call to every playlist and resolve them simultaneously using Promise.all(), but I might be rate-limited again.

Or maybe, I fetch every playlist item (just the first 100 entries), cache it in local storage. Then when the user selects a track, compare it with the first 100 and then fetch as necessary… ah, I would end up fetching the next page of entries for every playlist nonetheless!

Or maybe, I fetch every playlist, all items, and cache the state in the local storage. Write a helper function that looks up the cached value. On first login, and playlist modification (add/remove), that particular playlist is refreshed. And perhaps I would be able to use the snapshot_id of Spotify to prevent refreshing the entire playlist 🤔 Looks promising, but I would still have to make an initial fetch of all playlists and all playlist entries when a new user logs in.

This will be the challenge of this week.